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Our team also develops plans and policies with communities across the rohe, to reduce the impact of flooding. Examples of this work includes Bylaws to protect flood defences and drainage infrastructure.

Technology and monitoring systems that provide the latest information on rainfall and river levels also underpins our work. This is work is managed through our Flood Hub team, who support agencies, such as Civil Defence and Emergency Management, during a flood event.

Walking tracks

Walking trails are Pāpāmoa Hills Cultural Heritage Regional Park's main feature. Take a stroll through the farmland and enjoy the panoramic coastal views. 

The main and most well-known walking track is from the carpark, located on Poplar Lane, to the trig station (at 224 metres). This track leads through pine forest, native bush and open grassland and showcases the terracing on several pa sites and breathtaking views from the top. It takes about 45 minutes and rises relatively steeply. You will find an information board at the car park that provides further information about the park.

There are several other tracks which allow you to explore the cultural heritage of the park and make the most of the expansive views, with most tracks leading you to each of the six pa sites within the Park boundary.