The Ford Road Pump Station, which supports drainage for the eastern area of the lower Kaituna, is nearing the end of its life.
A three-stage project is underway to replace it with a new pump station located 2 km upstream.
The project is part of 42 approved for funding through central government’s Regional Infrastructure Fund. This co-investment ($5.8m for Ford Road) is key to help fund critical flood protection infrastructure, including stopbanks, floodwalls and pump stations across the region.
Stage 1 (Completed 2024)
Stage One involved upgrading the existing drain network.
Upgrades included widening approximately 1.6km of drains, removing two existing box culverts and a bridge, and installing three new bridges. A farm access track was also realigned, and new riparian planting was put in along both sides of the drains.
This work was necessary to allow the pump station to be relocated.
Getting this work done has improved the flow of stormwater through the existing drainage channels helping reduce potential flooding.
Stage 2 (Expected completion by Mid-2027)
Stage Two involves installing a new pump station at the drain site adjacent to the existing pump station.
In September 2024, Council approved an ‘Archimedes’ screw pump option. This type of pump is designed to effectively move flood waters from the low-lying scheme areas over stopbanks into the river. It is the most fish-friendly pump available on the market, providing certainty for the safe passage of tuna, and allows for relatively low energy consumption.
Stage 3 (Planned for 2030/31)
Decommissioning of the old pump station.