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Rangitaiki Floodway works Aerial Dec 2013 Rangitaiki Floodway works Aerial Dec 2013

Rangitāiki Floodway and Spillway

The Rangitāiki Floodway is a multi-stage project designed to take pressure off the Rangitāiki River in a flood event, by diverting some of its flow, via a spillway, into near-by farmland between stopbanks (known as the floodway) and out the Rangitāiki River mouth at Thornton.

Why are we doing this?

The Rangitāiki River has a long history of flooding. The results of a significant flood event can be catastrophic to the lives and livelihoods of those in flood-affected areas.

Between the 1960s and 1980s, the Rangitāiki Floodway was created by the Bay of Plenty Catchments Commission to provide flood protection to the community in and around Edgecumbe.

Over time, the level of flood protection that the floodway offers has decreased, due to the impacts of a changing climate – plus, as technology has advanced, we can better predict what flood events may look like and how our flood defences need to be constructed to meet future demands.

Flood protection is the first line of defence when it comes to reducing the impact of significant flooding, which is why we now have nearly $400M of flood protection defences across the rohe, such as floodwalls and stopbanks.

Find out more about our flood protection efforts.

This project involves increasing the floodway’s capacity and upgrading the existing spillway to provide more assurance during a flood event.

In 2009, Regional Council was granted resource consent to increase the amount of water that could be diverted into the floodway (190 cubic metres per second) and upgrade the existing spillway to better control how the water gets into the floodway.

By diverting this water, in a controlled manner through the floodway during a flood event, we can reduce the flood levels in the Rangitāiki River downstream of the site, therefore reducing pressure on the river near populated areas (such as Edgecumbe).

Once completed, the floodway and spillway will form part of a network of protection along the Rangitāiki River. This includes the Rangitāiki Floodwalls and Lower Rangitāiki Stopbanks at the river mouth near Thornton. In a flood event, these flood defences will work together to help reduce the impact of flooding on near-by communities.

Crown Infrastructure Funding

Regional Council received funding for Stage 6 of the floodway and the spillway from Central Government’s Crown Infrastructure Funding for this project as part of the Climate Resilience Programme ($10.275M). This funding was granted as part of the Covid-19 Response and Recovery Fund, and was one of six projects Regional Council received funding for. 

Learn more about this funding.

stopbank constructionConstruction of the spillway (July 2024).

Construction to upgrade the floodway began in 2011 and was completed in 2023. There were seven stages of the project, each stage with its own engineering considerations.

Upgrades on the floodway included:

  • Sections of the existing floodway channel have been widened.
  • Stopbanks have been reconstructed to raise the bank heights.
  • Culverts have been upgraded to support the new stopbank design.
  • Greater seepage control beneath the ground has been installed.
  • A new bifurcation cut was made at Thornton Hall Road. This allows water from the floodway to exit into the Rangitāiki River mouth at two places, instead of one.
  • A road bridge was created over the new floodway exit and a wetland was established between the two exits as an ideal spot for inanga spawning.
  • Installation of swing gates at McCracken and McLeans Road.

Rangitāiki Spillway – Construction began January 2024

Construction began on the Rangitāiki Spillway, located next to Hydro Road, in January 2024. This is the final stage of the floodway project.

This involves constructing a 114m concrete capped fixed crest weir (a lower section of stopbank) to allow water to flow out of the Rangitāiki River in a controlled manner into the floodway. This has been designed based on what the predicted river level could be during operation and determines how much flow will go over the spillway.

When the river reaches a certain level, the spillway allows water to pass over the fixed crest weir and into an area of paddock near Hydro Road. This water is then channelled into the floodway and out to the Rangitāiki River mouth.

Radial (or contingency) gates will also be installed as an added layer of protection. When open, they direct river flow into the floodway before the river overtops the lowered section of stopbank.

spillway diagram

Regional Council staff are working closely with affected landowners while construction is underway. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to

Frequently asked questions


Once complete, the spillway will ‘activate’ at a lower river level (a more frequent flood event).

However, the volume of water sitting in the floodway during a smaller event will be less – for example, there may be localised ponding or increased water levels in Reid Central Canal only (amount of water subject to size of flood event).

After initial community consultation in 2020, the detailed design phase began.

During this phase, river modelling and ground investigations identified key risks that needed to be addressed. These risks were seepage and erodibility (scour) of these structures when the spillway is in operation, as well as creating certainty that the spillway achieves required flows.

Based on this, the detailed design was developed to address the above issues.

Because of these design changes (and a few other factors), the estimated cost to upgrade the Rangitāiki Spillway increased to $7.8M (the initial estimate was $2.8M).

In April 2023, the community supported the updated design, and it was approved at a Regional Council meeting in May 2023.

The cost increase will be passed on to Rangitāiki-Tarawera Rivers Scheme ratepayers via targeted ratepayers over the next 20 years. There will also be a small increase in general rates.

In October 2022, we publicly notified the variation to the resource consent application, for the construction and operation of the spillway (located at 266 Hydro Road, Edgecumbe).

While consent was first granted in 2009, we reapplied for consent as the design and operation of the spillway had changed in 2020.

The 2009 design utilised a reinforced earth stopbank (fixed crest weir) and an inflatable rubber dam (a rubber, cylinder-shaped balloon that can be inflated and deflated to control the water flow into the floodway). Further modelling showed this would not be the most suitable or reliable option.

We went back to the community with an updated design (lower fixed crest weir with contingency gates) in 2020 and 2023, and through this process it was confirmed that this design was the preferred approach. As a result, changes to the resource consent were made to reflect the updated design.

Through the detailed design process, a lot of effort went into setting the fixed crest weir at an optimal level, based on predicted river levels, to ensure the spillway’s operation during a flood event.

Unfortunately, there will always be some uncertainties which cannot be eliminated, i.e. there will always be an element of uncertainty as to how the Rangitāiki River will ‘behave’ during a flood event.’

Radial gates allow for these uncertainties by adding another layer of protection. For example, if, during an event, the river level does not rise high enough to let the flow out over the lower section of stopbank, the gates can be opened allowing flow into the floodway and providing reassurance that pressure can be taken off the flood defences downstream.

Prior to reaching Te Teko, the Rangitāiki River passes through Lake Aniwaniwa, then into Matahina Dam. Both used for hydroelectric power generation.

For Matahina Dam, the role of dam management is to lower the lake level before a flood peak so that, at peak flows, the outflow from the dam can be kept significantly lower than the inflow for as long as possible that is consistent with the safety of the dam.

stage 6
Stage 6b and 6c.

Project updates

spillway update
7 MONTHS AGO Construction update: Rangitāiki Spillway

Construction is over 50% complete on the Rangitāiki Spillway, located next to Hydro Road.

A YEAR AGO 2024 Construction has begun on Rangitāiki Spillway Upgrade

Construction has begun on the Rangitāiki River Spillway located next to Hydro Road, following a karakia led by Ngāti Awa late last year.

The Spillway is the final stage of the Rangitāiki Floodway project, which has been underway since 2011, and will improve the level of flood protection offered to the community.

Swing Gates Mccraken Rd July 2023
A YEAR AGO Leaning on local labour for flood protection builds in the Bay

When taking on a project, Managing Director of Romanes Construction, Paul Romanes, always looks to employ locals to be part of his crew.

5476 Rangitāiki Spillway
A YEAR AGO Council approves construction of proposed Rangitāiki Spillway design

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Councillors have approved increase in budget for the construction of the Rangitāiki Spillway, following overwhelming support from the community.

A YEAR AGO Community session to be held in Edgecumbe to discuss the Rangitāiki Spillway

Bay of Plenty Regional Council is holding a community session in Edgecumbe to discuss the Rangitāiki Spillway project.

2 YEARS AGO Construction update: Disruption on McCracken and McLean Roads

Bay of Plenty Regional Council will begin construction for the final stage of the Rangitāiki Floodway from Monday 1 May 2023.

2 YEARS AGO Regional Council applies for variation to Spillway consent

Bay of Plenty Regional Council have made the commitment to publicly notify the variation to the resource consent application, for the construction and operation of the Spillway (located at 266 Hydro Road, Edgecumbe).

3 YEARS AGO End of year floodwall project wrap

We’re two thirds of the way through the floodwall replacements with the Greig Road and East Bank Road walls now complete.

Watch this video to see all the progress we’ve made this year:

3 YEARS AGO Work recommencing on Rangitāiki Floodway

We are recommencing work on the Rangitāiki Floodway project on the outskirts of Edgecumbe in the section located between SH2 and Mclean’s Road.

Please take extra care on the roads around the site, we’ll be taking extra care too.

We're doing this work to improve how water travels down the floodway which will reduce the pressure on the Rangitāiki River stopbanks during large flood events.

3 YEARS AGO Construction of Stage 6c underway

Construction of Stage 6c of the Rangitāiki Floodway is underway after resource consent was granted.

3 YEARS AGO Rangitāiki Floodway Project update

The summer construction season is in full swing with steady progress being made on raising the stopbanks as part of the Rangitāiki Floodway Project.

4 YEARS AGO Funding received from Central Government’s Crown Infrastructure Funding

Bay of Plenty Regional Council has received funding from Central Government’s Crown Infrastructure Funding for the Rangitāiki Floodway and Spillway.

4 YEARS AGO Further consultation this Saturday

Thank you to those who were able to take part in the recent online consultation about the next stages of the Rangitāiki Floodway Project.

5 YEARS AGO Rangitāiki Floodway Stage 6 update

Previously a ponding option downstream of Fonterra was being looked at to reduce the overall project costs. This option has now been abandoned.

5 YEARS AGO Stage 7 of the Rangitaiki Floodway Upgrade Project

We’re about to begin Stage 7 of the Rangitāiki Floodway Upgrade Project – the section from Hydro Road to State Highway 2.

5 YEARS AGO New bridge at Thornton

Stage 5 of the Rangitāiki Floodway Project has reached a significant milestone with bridge construction nearing completion on Thornton Hall Road near Whakatāne.

5 YEARS AGO Floodway construction progress

Check out this short video of a recent drone flight over the completed Stage 4 works and the Stage 5 works currently in progress.

Rangitaiki Floodway Project
5 YEARS AGO Drone survey taking place next week

The Bay of Plenty Regional Council will be undertaking a drone survey of sections of the Rangitāiki Floodway during the week of 13 – 17 May to provide council engineers with a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) which will feed into the design for Stage 7 of the Floodway Project.

2019-02-28 Rangitaiki Floodway Upgrade Project Stage 5 - Tracks excavator
6 YEARS AGO Bridge and bifurcation works get on the road

Initial site preparation works started on Monday 25 February on the Reid’s Canal bifurcation which is Stage 5 of the multi-stage Rangitāiki Floodway Upgrade Project commenced in 2011.

2019-02-28 Rangitaiki Floodway Upgrade Project Stage 5 - Bifurcation cut
6 YEARS AGO Karakia held in preparation for Stage 5

Following selection of the successful tenderer for the Rangitāiki Floodway Stage 5 works, a karakia ceremony was held at the Reid’s Canal bifurcation with the Rangitāiki River on Monday 18 February with representatives of Ngāi Taiwhakaea, the works contractor, the project’s archaeology advisor and the Bay of Plenty Regional Council in attendance.  

Spillway presentation - Edgecumbe
6 YEARS AGO Spillway recommendation presented at Edgecumbe information session

Around 40 interested community members, representing a number of stakeholder groups, turned out on Saturday to hear an update on the consultation process for the upgrade of the Rangitāiki Spillway.

Rangitāiki Spillway map
6 YEARS AGO Rangitāiki Floodway information session

Thank you to those people who have been involved in finding out about the options for the design of the Rangitāiki Floodway spillway and potential ponding areas.

On Saturday, 24 November, starting at 10am there will be a further information session at the Rangitāiki Cosmopolitan Club to inform interested parties about the preferred option that will be put to Council in December.

We will be asking those attending to give an indication of their level of support for the proposed option.

For further information, please email

Rangitāiki Floodway digger
6 YEARS AGO Rangitāiki Floodway Stage 4 recommences

Drier spring weather has allowed the work to start again on Stage 4 of the Rangitāiki Floodway Upgrade Project after it was put on hold over winter.

Meanwhile, consultation with affected landowners and the wider community over the design options to upgrade the spillway section of the Floodway is in its final stages before a recommendation is made to Council on the preferred option (lower fixed crest weir or inflatable rubber dam). The spillway is the structure that diverts floodwater from the Rangitāiki River into the floodway and its construction and associated stopbank widening will be the final stage of the project. Keep an eye on this page for publication of an information session planned for mid-November 2018.

Rangitāiki Spillway site visit held in August 2018.
6 YEARS AGO Rangitāiki Spillway site visit held in August 2018

As part of the consultation underway on the Rangitāiki Spillway, a site visit was held in Edgecumbe on 11 August this year, with over 30 people attending, including residents of property adjoining the floodway and interested members of the community.