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WHAKATANE River Scheme WHAKATANE River Scheme

Whakatane - Tauranga Rivers Scheme Advisory Group

Advisory Group Membership

Membership of the Rivers Scheme Advisory Groups is representative of the different interests and locations within the scheme areas. The groups are designed to share knowledge and views on scheme management matters on behalf of local scheme ratepayers. The groups’ advice on community values, objectives and possible solutions will help us make the best decisions for our river scheme projects, capital works, maintenance programmes and flood repairs.

More information on membership and the role of the advisory group can be found in the Terms of Reference.

Member Name Area Representing
Brian Power Rangitāiki Plains
Fraser McGougan Middle catchment – Whakatāne River upstream of Peketahi Bridge
Scottie McLeod Rangitaiki Plains
Neil Larking Urban
Allen Wardlaw Waimana Rural
Patrick McGarvey Te Uru Taumata and Te Komiti o Runa
Andrew Iles Whakatane District Council elected representative
Jim Finlay Whakatane District Council staff technical representative
Glen Cooper Whakatane District Council
Cr Toni Boynton Whakatane District Council elected representative (alternate)
Councillor Toi Kai Rakau Iti Kōhi
Councillor Ken Shirley Western Bay of Plenty
Councillor Malcolm Campbell Eastern Bay of Plenty
Chairman Doug Leeder Eastern Bay of Plenty


Advisory group meetings are held twice a year, usually in March and September, and are chaired by elected Bay of Plenty Regional Councillors. 

Note: Meeting date or venue may change.

Date/ Time Location Agenda Meeting notes

18 September 2024

Mātaatua Room, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 5 Quay Street, Whakatane

Agenda Meeting notes

Wednesday 20 March 2024 10am

Mātaatua Room, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 5 Quay Street, Whakatane

Agenda Meeting notes

Wednesday 4 October 2023

Mātaatua Room, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 5 Quay Street, Whakatane

Agenda Meeting notes

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Pūtauaki Room, EastBay Reap, Whakatane

Agenda Meeting notes

Wednesday 21 September 2022
10am - 1pm

Whakaari Room (downstairs), Eastbay REAP, 21 Pyne Street, Whakatāne

Agenda Meeting notes

New date:
Monday 2nd May 2022,
10am -2pm

Mātaatua Room, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 5 Quay Street, Whakatāne

Agenda Meeting notes
Wednesday 15 September 2021
10am – 1pm

Mātaatua Room, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 5 Quay Street, Whakatane

Note: meeting attendees must wear a mask and 2m social distance

Agenda  Meeting notes
Wednesday 17 March 2021
10.00am – 2.00pm
Mataatua Room, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 5 Quay Street, Whakatane Agenda Meeting notes
Wednesday 16 September 2020 
10am - 2pm
Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Mataatua Room, 5 Quay Street, Whakatāne Agenda Meeting notes
Wednesday 18 March 2020 
10am – 1pm
Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Mataatua Room, 5 Quay Street, Whakatāne Agenda Meeting notes
Wednesday 18 Sept 2019
10am – 1pm
Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Mataatua Room, 5 Quay Street, Whakatane Agenda Meeting notes
Tuesday 16 April 2019
10am - 1pm
Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Mataatua Room, 5 Quay Street, Whakatane Agenda Meeting notes
19 September 2018   Agenda Meeting notes
16 February 2018   Agenda Meeting notes
14 November 2017   Agenda Meeting notes

Note: Meeting date or venue may change.