The process for getting consent will be easier if you know how the Resource Management Act (RMA) affects your project and what you need to do to have your consent approved.
Before making an application for resource consent, careful consideration needs to be given to what an application should contain. Before you start to fill out the correct application form for your activity, we recommend you:
- Flesh out your idea.
- Look into what rules might affect your project.
- Talk to anyone who may be adversely affected by your proposed project or who may have an interest in the environment in general.
This will save you time and money in the long run.
Pre-application meeting
We offer pre-application advice for projects that need resource consent where we provide guidance to ensure you have a good understanding of what needs to be done, before you submit your application. The first 30 minutes of advice from our helpful Duty Officer is free. Meeting with us before you apply will:
- Provide an overview of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
- Help you understand relevant planning rules.
- Confirm and identify what type of consent(s) you may need.
- Help identify what information needs to be included in the consent application, such as environmental assessments, data analysis and cultural impacts.
- Explain how the process works, including potential costs and times.
- Identify and provide contact details for tangata whenua who may be affected by your application.
- Identify other individuals or groups that may also be affected.
- Explain which situations determine if your application is publicly or limited notified.
Pre-application meeting checklist
Please consider the following before meeting with us:
- Do other parties need to be part of the meeting?
- Does your application involve another council?
- Doing site identification including a legal description and map.
- Taking some site photos.
- Bringing along a site plan or proposed plan.
- Providing a description of the proposal.
- Carrying out some initial data analysis.
When you’re ready, call 0800 884 880 or email to arrange a meeting with our Duty Consents Officer.