All on site effluent systems need to be maintained.
This is normally left to the owner to arrange. In some areas where the environment is being adversely affected, the Bay of Plenty Regional Council has decided to include communities in maintenance zones. This requires more active management of systems to reduce the risk to the environment and to public health.
The following areas are included:
- Tanners Point
- Bryans Beach
- Gisborne Point
- Hinehopu
- Rotomā (Ngamotu)
- Lake Tarawera
- within 200 horizontal metres of any of the Rotorua Lakes
Please note Ongare Point, Te Puna West and Lake Rotomā settlement areas (excluding Ngamotu) are now reticulated and are therefore no longer considered as Maintenance Zones.
Maps showing the extent of these zones are in the OSET Regional Plan.
In these areas home owners need to employ a contractor to pump out and inspect their septic tank. A report on the size and condition of the system is prepared by the contractor. Any repairs that are required are the responsibility of the owner.
Systems generally need to be pumped out every three to six years depending on the size of the system and the number of people living in the household.
The following companies are able to pump out, inspect and report on your system:
- Art’s Takeaways 027 254 9020 (Eastern BOP)
- Rotorua Waste Disposal 07 332 2791 (Rotorua)
- BrownFreight 0800 266 826 (0800 POO TANK)
- Waste Management Technical Services, 07 349 2542 (Rotorua), 07 572 1206 (Tauranga)
- Allens United 07 862 7209 (Paeroa)
- Pete’s Takeaways 07 5413402 (Tauranga and Western BOP)