We have an obligation to monitor resource consents which have an effect on the environment and take appropriate action where necessary.
The Regulatory Compliance team monitors resource consents to ensure consent conditions are met. Where conditions are breached, the team follows up with the consent holder to get them back into compliance.
The Council monitors and reports on a number of different resource consent activities such as dairy effluent, earthworks, sewage treatment, water and forestry.
Compliance reporting
The Regulatory Compliance team also works alongside the Consents team to provide advice and education about permitted activities under various regional plans. All our compliance reports are available at the link at the bottom of the page.
If you are considering an activity that may require a consent, please contact our Duty Consents Officer on 0800 884 880 before you start.
For information regarding charges for consents and compliance please read the Resource Management Act and Building Act Charges Policy.
Reports and notifications
Many consents holders are required to undertake monitoring and reporting as part of their consent conditions. These include, for example, submitting water abstraction records, water quality sampling results, as-built plans and management plans.
- Email compliance_data@boprc.govt.nz to submit electronic compliance records and reports.
- Email notify@boprc.govt.nz to notify us when you start works which have consent conditions.
If you have a water take consent (for ground or surface water), your consent conditions or the National Measurement and Reporting of Water Takes Regulations 2010 may require you to keep records of your water use. You can do this online using the link below or using a telemetered data system, or you can download hard copy monitoring sheets.
If you have a consent to take more than five litres of water per second, you may need to install a water meter under new Government regulations. Check out our water metering page for more information.
Geothermal consents often require monitoring data to be recorded and submitted. Read your Consent carefully and, if required, download forms for Down Hole Heat Exchangers and Geothermal Take and Discharge consents requiring temperature and flow readings.