Community funding
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Information about support we offer through funding and scholarships.
Supporting initiatives that build tangata whenua capability and capacity to participate in Council decision-making processes and operations.
Environmental Enhancement Fund
The Environmental Enhancement Fund (EEF) supports local projects that aim to enhance, preserve or protect the region's natural or historic character.
He Toka Tū Moana – Toi Moana Environmental Scholarship
Applications are currently open for He Toka Tu Moana scholarships, which are designed for students who live in the Bay of Plenty and are enrolled in a course related to environmental or water management, planning and/or mātauranga Māori.
Te Hāpai Ora – Regional Community Outcomes Fund
We consider all applications for sponsorship and assess each application against a few criteria, in support of local activities and projects.
A guide to introduce ways we can help with funding and support for environment projects.
Environmental Programme Grants Policy
This policy and guidance document is for use by Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Integrated Catchments Group. It is a guide for the use of financial support for Environmental Programmes (EPs) with Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Management Activities.
Regional Safety and Rescue Services Fund
The Regional Safety and Rescue Services Fund (RSRSF) supports organisations that provide vital safety and rescue services to both local people in our community, and visitors to our region.
School Sustainability and Resilience Fund
The School Sustainability and Resilience Fund supports schools and early childhood education centres to carry out sustainability projects and prepare for the impacts of climate change and natural hazards.
The Community initiatives Fund was established to support projects that support/enhance the work of Council and that are not eligible for other Council funding.
Up to $20,000 is available for individual projects per financial year which enable groups to start planning for a changing climate at a community scale.