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flood monitoring flood monitoring

Flood Hub

Providing you with local information, national advice and useful contacts, to help you prepare for future flood events and severe weather. 

Latest rainfall and river levels

For current rainfall and river levels, visit the Environmental Data Portal.

Flood warning list

Flood warnings are sent to landowners or the occupiers of properties on low lying rural land next to one of the seven major rivers within or adjacent to the river floodplain (Kaituna, Tarawera, Rangitāiki, Whakatāne, Tauranga, Waioeka, Otara).

The warnings are pre-recorded messages sent via an automated system to a person’s landline and / or mobile phone when the river near them reaches the first or second warning level (more on this below).

The messages include the recommendation to move stock to higher ground, to keep an eye on rainfall and river levels, and to listen to the radio for further updates.

First warning level – the river level has reached its normal channel capacity.

Second warning level – the river has overtopped the channel banks and has flooded the area next to river (berm). This is still well within the flood defences around the river (such as a stopbank or floodway).

river level diagram

If you believe you own or occupy a low-lying property next to one of the major rivers please email: or call 0800 884 880 to discuss the suitability of receiving a flood warning from our team.

In a flood or severe weather, where can I find out what’s happening?

  • MetService: Comprehensive weather information and updates
  • Bay of Plenty Civil Defence: Updates and preparedness support.
    0800 884 880
  •  Local councils: Information about any potential evacuations and local issues that may arise (i.e. roading, blocked culverts/drains, water/stormwater/sewerage issues:

What should I do in a flood?

Here’s a few handy tips to help you keep safe from Bay of Plenty Civil Defence. For more information, visit their website.

  • Listen to your local radio stations as emergency management officials will be broadcasting the most appropriate advice for your community and situation.
  • If you have a disability or need support, make contact with your support network.
  • Put your household emergency plan into action and check your getaway kit. Be prepared to evacuate quickly if it becomes necessary.
  • Where possible, move pets inside or to a safe place, and move stock to higher ground.
  • Consider using sandbags to keep water away from your home.
  • Lift valuable household items and chemicals as high above the floor as possible.
  • Fill bathtubs, sinks and storage containers with clean water in case water becomes contaminated.
  • Turn off utilities if told to do so by authorities as it can help prevent damage to your home or community. Unplug small appliances to avoid damage from power surges.
  • Avoid contact with flood water whenever possible. Floodwaters can carry bugs that cause disease from the ground surface, septic tanks and sewerage systems.
  • Do not attempt to drive or walk through floodwaters unless it is absolutely essential.
  • Follow any instructions from local Civil Defence authorities or emergency services regarding evacuation of your area.

The Flood Room

Regional Council supports a range of agencies, from emergency services to local councils, during a flood event. 

We have a dedicated Flood Room that is specially designed to support the team’s emergency flood response.