Regional Natural Resources Plan
The purpose of the Regional Natural Resources Plan (RNRP) is to promote the sustainable and integrated management of land and water resources within the Bay of Plenty.
To achieve this, the RNRP has objectives, policies and methods (which include rules) to address issues of use, development and protection of natural resources. The resources covered by the Regional Natural Resources Plan are:
- Soil (land)
- Rivers and streams
- Lakes
- Wetlands
- Groundwater
- Geothermal
- Natural Hazards
- Air
Recent changes to the RNRP
- Plan Change 13 (Air Quality) - appeals ongoing
- Draft Plan Change 14 (On-Site Effluent Treatment - OSET) - integrated into the Essential Freshwater Policy Programme
- Change 1 (National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry -NESPF) - Incorporated into RNRP and operative from 1 May 2018
- Change 2 (Minor National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry - NESPF amendment) – Incorporated into RNRP and operative from 10 January 2020
- Proposed Plan Change 9 (Region-wide Water Quantity) – withdrawn on 18 February 2020
- Plan Change 17 (Awatarariki Fanhead) – incorporated and operative from 29 March 2021
- National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management updates - incorporated from 29 March 2021
- Plan Change 10 (Lake Rotorua Nutrient Management) - operative from 16 November 2022 deemed operative from 4 May 2021
Download the plan
- Update Record, Amendment page, Seal page and Contents
- Chapter 1 - Reader Guide
- Chapter 2 - Introduction
- Chapter 3 - KT - Kaitiakitanga
- Chapter 4 - IM - Integrated Management of Land and Water
- Chapter 5 - LM - Land Management
- Chapter 6 - DW - Discharges to Water and Land & OSET - On-site Effluent Treatment
- Chapter 7 - WQ - Water Quantity and Allocation
- Chapter 8 - BW - Beds of Water Bodies
- Chapter 9 - WL - Wetlands
- Chapter 10 - TH - Tauranga Harbour
- Chapter 11 - KM - Kaituna, Maketū and Pongakawa
- Chapter 12 - RL - Rotorua Lakes & LR - Lake Rotorua Nutrient Management Programme
- Chapter 13 - TW - Tarawera
- Chapter 14 - RT - Rangitāiki
- Chapter 15 - WT - Whakātane and Tauranga
- Chapter 16 - OH - Ōhiwa Harbour and Waiotahe
- Chapter 17 - WO - Waioeka and Otara
- Chapter 18 - EC - East Coast
- Chapter 19 - GR - Geothermal Resources
- Chapter 20 - NH - Natural Hazards
- Chapter 21 - AQ - Air Quality
- Schedules 1 - 14
- Definition of Terms and Bibliography
- Appendices 1-6
Water quality classification maps
- Index
- T14 - Morrinsville
- T/U13 - Paeroa/Waihī Beach
- U14 - Tauranga
- U15 - Ngongotaha
- U16 - Rotorua
- U-V17 - Murupara
- U-V18 - Taupō/Whirinaki
- U-V19 - Kaimanawa/Te Haroto
- V14 - Maketu
- V15 - Edgecumbe
- V16 - Tarawera
- V-W18 - Whirinaki/Waikaremoana
- W15 - Whakatāne
- W16 - Waimana
- W17 - Urewera
- X14 - Te Kaha
- X15 - Omaio
- X16 - Mōtu
- X17 - Matawai
- Y14 - Cape Runaway
- Y15 - Hikurangi
- Y16 - Tauwhareparae
Stopbanks and other flood control structures maps (Rule 45)
The following maps are referred to as part of Rule 45 (Permitted - Damming and Diversion of Flood Waters by Existing Flood Control Structures).
- Ngongotaha Stream Rule 45 Map
- Puarenga Stream Rule 45 Map
- Utuhina Stream Rule 45 Map
- Waingaehe Stream Rule 45 Map
Copies of maps for other areas covered by Stopbanks and Other Flood Control Structure Permitted by Rule 45 are available from Bay of Plenty Regional Council on request.
Erosion hazard zone maps
The following maps form part of the Erosion Hazard Zone, referred to in Section 9.2 of the rules and in the Erosion Hazard Zone definition of the plan.
Statutory acknowledgements
The Ngā Whakaaetanga-ā-Ture ki Te Taiao ā Toi (Statutory Acknowledgements in the Bay of Plenty) is a compendium document to be read as an attachment to and in conjunction with the Operative Regional Natural Resources Plan including proposed regional plan or policy statement, and any variation or change notified by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. Check out Statutory Acknowledgements for more information.
The Regional Natural Resources Plan
The Regional Natural Resources Plan is available to view at Bay of Plenty Regional Council offices, all public libraries throughout the Bay of Plenty and service centres of Bay of Plenty's city and District Councils.