Half price bus fares on the way for all Bay of Plenty Regional Council services
Bay of Plenty bus fares will be half price for three months from this Friday as the Government-funded discount on public transport fares initiative begins.
All Bay of Plenty Regional Council contracted bus services, including Bayhopper, Cityride and Eastern Bay services, will have half price concession and cash fares. The discounted fares will apply from Friday, 1 April, until Thursday 30 June, across all council funded routes in Tauranga, Rotorua, Eastern Bay of Plenty, Omokoroa, Katikati and Waihī Beach services. This includes route 85 Town Connector and all Tertiary Services: 101, 102, 103, 104 and 105. The half price scheme will also include Total Mobility services, up to the $25 per trip limit.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Public Transport Committee Chair, Andrew von Dadelszen, says the half price fares initiative will be a great way to support existing and new bus users across the Bay of Plenty.
“We are really pleased to be providing half price bus fares to the community over the next three months, and if people haven’t already, we strongly recommend they use this opportunity to get their Bee Card and give the bus services a go,” Cr von Dadelszen says.
“Total Mobility fares and other concession types are included in this support package, so a wide range of people will be able to enjoy the cheaper travel.”
The Government recently announced half price public transport fares, for a three-month period. Their transport package aims to support Kiwis through the current international energy crisis and rising costs of living.
Bee cards cost $5 and can be obtained from Regional Council offices in Tauranga, Rotorua and Whakatāne. Bee cards enable faster boarding and offer cheaper fares than the cash equivalent on most routes.
Due to the impacts of Omicron, bus services in Tauranga are temporarily operating on a reduced timetable, so passengers are strongly encouraged to check the Baybus website at www.baybus.co.nz each time they travel for any updates to the timetables, or call 0800 4 BAYBUS for the latest information.
For further media information, please contact media@boprc.govt.nz