Regional Council Environmental Fund opens
Bay of Plenty Regional Council has $300,000 available to community groups, organisations and schools through the Environmental Enhancement Fund (EEF) which opens on July 1.
$25,000 is the maximum amount groups can apply for and runs on a first-in first-served basis (qualifying applications) until the fund is fully allocated.
EEF supports local projects that aim to enhance, preserve or protect the region's natural or historic character and Regional Council Chairman Doug Leeder said the fund has helped a variety of groups over the last 20 years.
“Volunteers do crucial work and are the backbone of what makes our region thrive so this fund is one way we can support them.”
“Our Bay of Plenty community is made up of so many skilled and passionate environmentalists filled with innovative ideas.” he said.
In the last year, the Environmental Enhancement Fund had been able to support a diverse range of projects across the Bay of Plenty including creating a bush classroom, improving biodiversity and water quality, reducing pests and removing and eradicating pest weeds.
He Matapuna Akoranga a Hawea Vercoe (Hawea Vercoe Memorial Fund) grants are also funded through the EEF to help Kura Kaupapa Māori, Kohanga Reo and bi-lingual schools in the region with environmental projects.
More information on the fund can be found on the Regional Council’s website at http://www.boprc.govt.nz/eef
For further media information, please contact media@boprc.govt.nz