Final days to apply for He Toka Tu Moana – Toi Moana Environmental Scholarship
Up to $10,000 is available for students through the He Toka Tū Moana Scholarship.
Funded through the Bay of Plenty Regional Council the scholarship was established in 2017 to recognise and support students who are undertaking study, research or training that aligns with the enhancement and protection of our Taiao (environment).
Toi Moana Tumu Herenga Tangata Kataraina O’Brien said the scholarship was an amazing opportunity for those that need a level of financial support.
“Our goal at Toi Moana is to protect and enhance our environment and one way of doing that is by supporting others who are working to do the same.
Ms O’Brien said the scholarship encourages mātauranga Māori research and education for tangata whenua to have a deeper understanding of the land, not only for themselves but for their hapū and iwi, and the wider community.
Applications are open until 14 May 2023, an extension from the original date of April 30.
Find out more about the scholarship or apply.
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The benefits of the fund are to:
- Focus on environmental education and kaitiakitanga/guardianship.
- Demonstrate a commitment to enhancing environmental knowledge.
- Raise environmental awareness and understanding.
- Provide financial support to students.
- Encourage Mātauranga Māori research and education.
- Promote leadership and innovation.
6 scholarships were awarded in 2022 to:
- Akuhata Bailey-Winiata - Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Science programme
- Sonny Vercoe - Doctor of Philosophy Specialisation in Civil Engineering
- Brooklyn Lea - Master of Science (Research) in Ecology and Biodiversity
- Daria Bell - Master of Science (Research) in Science programme
- Amy Nattrass - Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Management
Rangipurei Manley - Bachelor of Laws and Arts degree double majoring in Māori Resource Management and Māori Studies (5th year student)