November 2023
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November 2023 Media Releases
Kiwifruit grower fined for illegal water take
A kiwifruit orchard has been convicted and fined $35,000 in the Tauranga District Court for unlawfully taking more than 18 million litres of water for irrigation. Terahu Orchard Limited pleaded guilty to the charge of unlawfully taking water for use at a kiwifruit orchard between November 2021 and February 2023.
Dairy discharge into significant Rotorua stream leads to prosecution
A Rotorua dairy farm has been convicted and fined $40,000 for an illegal dairy effluent discharge from a travelling irrigator. Chlorofield Limited pleaded guilty to the charge.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council to upgrade Whakatāne’s flood protection
A multi-year, multi-stage project by Bay of Plenty Regional Council to upgrade the flood defences in Whakatāne is scheduled to begin in January 2024.
Mediterranean fanworm infestation found in Pilot Bay
The discovery of 81 Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii) on the sea floor in Pilot Bay is not the early Christmas present that the Bay of Plenty Regional Council dive team were wanting.
Dawn blessing marks the opening of Papamoa Hills Upgrade Project
A blessing by mana whenua officially opened new tracks, carpark, seating area, interpretive panels and toilets at Pāpāmoa Hills Cultural Heritage Regional Park, ensuring the popular location is set for the summer season.
Pet food company fined $70,000 for odour discharge
Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council says a court decision to fine a Tauranga company $70,000 for repeatedly discharging an objectionable odour from its pet food factory sends a strong message that it’s not acceptable to breach the environmental rules and that the Regional Council will take enforcement action when required.