April 2024
April 2024 Media Releases
Stopbank remediation project more than 70% complete
Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Safeguarding Our Stopbanks (SOS) project is now more than halfway through its four-year schedule, with completion of the fourth and final stage on track for April 2025.
From rainwater harvesting to bike racks: Community Choice for School Resilience
The applications are in, and now it's up to the community to help decide how Bay of Plenty Regional Council's School Sustainability and Resilience Fund is shared out.
Regional Council approves care plan for the protection of geothermal in Rotorua
Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council has approved a care plan to support the sustainable management of geothermal in Rotorua city.
Funding now available for environmental improvement projects
Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council is encouraging those with future-focused environmental projects to apply now for its Environmental Enhancement Fund.
Adaptation funding helps path the future for Waihi Beach Lifeguards
The future of a community hub in the heart of Waihī Beach is now looking clearer, despite the challenges it is facing due to a changing climate.
Hook, line and fine: Twenty-three boats caught fishing in Motiti Protection Area
Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council is reminding skippers that fishing or taking any kind of marine life from the Motiti Protection Area is banned, after 23 boaties were caught in the act over the festive season.