July 2024
July 2024 Media Releases
Creating regional consistency with new rates remissions
Two new Rates Remissions and Postponement policies have been adopted by Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council to create uniformity and equity in how property rates remissions (reductions) are applied across the rohe.
Community asked to have say on preferred representation arrangements for Regional Council
Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council is working through the final stages of a representation review.
The Bay’s transport future: 10-year Regional Land Transport Plan adopted
A ‘blueprint for a connected, resilient, and vibrant’ region has been adopted by Bay of Plenty Regional Council – setting the strategic direction for the region’s transport system over the next decade.
Sewage saga: Landlords fined for septic tank discharges into Kaituna River
After four years of illegally discharging septic tank wastewater into a drain which feeds the Kaituna River, two landlords have been convicted with breaching the Resource Management Act and fined $6,000 and given 75 hours community service each.
New Harbourmaster vessel to increase safety for Eastern Bay of Plenty boaties
An addition to Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Harbourmaster fleet is already in action, following a karakia (blessing) at the Whakatāne Wharf yesterday.
Changes to youth and young adult bus fares from 29 July 2024
Bay of Plenty Regional Council has confirmed some changes to fares for bus users aged 6 to 24 years.