Catchment Action Plans
Tauranga Harbour Catchments
Note: The majority of our Tauranga Harbour Catchments land management work reported below now falls under the new Focus Catchments programme as of July 2019, but is included here for completeness.
Individual Sub-Catchment Action Plans have been developed for 16 sub-catchment areas surrounding the Tauranga Harbour.
The Tauranga Harbour Sub-Catchment Action Plans below provide an overview of the land types and land use in the different sub-catchment areas. They have been informed by ground surveys and community consultation and have been used as a basis to set targets for land management work being carried out by Council over the following ten years.
A 2013-16 progress report on action plan delivery is also available for each sub-catchment below. See a combined progress report for all Tauranga Harbour sub-catchments here:
Kaituna River and Ongatoro/Maketū Estuary Strategy
The Kaituna River and Ongatoro/Maketū Estuary Strategy 2009 was developed to celebrate and honour Kaituna River and Ongatoro/Maketū Estuary life as taonga.
Ōhiwa Harbour catchment
The Ōhiwa Harbour Strategy identifies issues, key community values and aspirations, and recommends actions on how to take Ōhiwa Harbour and its catchment from where it is now, to where people want it to be in the future.
Rotorua lakes catchments
Lake Action Plans direct what steps need to be taken to improve lake water quality to meet communitys' expectations. Plans are in place for Okaro, Okataina, Ōkāreka, Rotoehu, Rotomā, Rotorua, Rotoiti and Tikitapu (Blue) Lakes.