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Rates remission for financial hardship application

A remission will be considered in cases of extreme financial hardship. Companies, trusts and other similar ownership structures do not qualify for this remission. The ratepayer must be eligible for a rates rebate from your local council and set up a payment arrangement for paying rates in the future.

Before completing an application, you must have sought assistance from your bank or financial advisor for other sources of finance, e.g. a reverse mortgage or annuity, or budget advice, this will need to be provided alongside this application.

Please complete the following for your application.

Property details

If there are no details showing here, please use the property search.

Valuation reference

Property address

Ratepayer details

If an email address is provided, we will send all correspondence about your rates remission application by email, otherwise we will use the postal address provided.

  • Be a natural person (i.e. an individual, rather than a company or organisation, which are also legal persons).
  • Be eligible for the Government Rates Rebate Scheme and consent to Bay of Plenty Regional Council verifying this with my local council (TLA).
  • Not own any other rating unit (excludes interests in multiply owned Māori Land).
  • Make an acceptable arrangement for payment of future rates.
  • Not be vacant land.
  • Be used solely as a domestic residence.
  • Be the normal place of residence of the applicant.
Supporting information
Consideration will be given to applicants who have sought alternative sources of finance, and evidence that budget advice has been sought.

Hold Control (Windows) or Command (Mac) to choose multiple files.


I confirm that I am a ratepayer in respect of the above property, or that I am authorised by the ratepayer(s) to make this request


I agree to the Terms and Conditions


We would like to use your contact details to inform you of Bay of Plenty Regional Council activities and services that may affect you. If you do not want your contact details to be used by us for this purpose, please contact us at: or on 0800 267 728 (BOP RATES). We will not use your contact details for general marketing purposes.

Please refer to our website for details of our rates remission and postponement policies which include more details on each of our remissions and the criteria and considerations that apply to them.