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Rates remission for multiple units treated as a single unit

Properties that expressly meet the criteria in the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, sections 20 and 20A will be eligible for this remission.

The property owner will be required to pay for one set of uniform charges and any targeted rates set based on a fixed dollar charge per rating unit, (excluding River Scheme area rates) that would normally be charged to each separate property.

Please complete the following for your application.

Property details
Please enter one per line.
Please enter one per line.
Ratepayer details

If an email address is provided, we will send all correspondence about your rates remission application by email, otherwise we will use the postal address provided.


Your properties must meet the following criteria, in either Section 20 or Section 20A.

  • Owned by the same person or persons
  • Used jointly as a single unit
  • Contiguous or separated only by a road, railway, drain, water race, river, or stream.
  • A person using 2 or more rating units of Māori freehold land
  • Property must be used jointly as a single unit by the same person
  • The rating units were derived from, or likely to have been derived from, the same original block of Māori Freehold Land.

I confirm that I am a ratepayer in respect of the above property, or that I am authorised by the ratepayer(s) to make this request


I agree to the Terms and Conditions


We would like to use your contact details to inform you of Bay of Plenty Regional Council activities and services that may affect you. If you do not want your contact details to be used by us for this purpose, please contact us at: or on 0800 267 728 (BOP RATES). We will not use your contact details for general marketing purposes.

Please refer to our website for details of our rates remission and postponement policies which include more details on each of our remissions and the criteria and considerations that apply to them.