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Rates remission for sporting, community, and not-for-profit organisations application

A remission will be considered for sports, arts and community organisations to support services provided to the public on a not-for-profit basis. To be eligible, you must be able to demonstrate the extent of the public benefit provided to the community. Land used for galloping races, harness races or greyhound races is not eligible for this remission.

Please complete the following for your application.

Property details

If there are no details showing here, please use the property search.

Valuation reference

Property address

Ratepayer details

If an email address is provided, we will send all correspondence about your rates remission application by email, otherwise we will use the postal address provided.

  • The ratepayer (or a long-term lessee of the property) is a not-for-profit or charitable organisation.
  • The land is used by the not-for-profit or charitable organisation to provide sports, arts, or community facilities or services to its members and the public.
  • The services provided align with the objectives of Council’s rates remission policy and contribute to public benefit.
  • There is no private pecuniary profit for the members.
Supporting information

Please provide the following supporting information to support your application.

  • Constitution
  • Statement of objectives
  • Full financial accounts
  • Information on activities and programmes
  • Details of membership or clients
Please upload your supporting documents below. You can add multiple documents to support your application.

Hold Control (Windows) or Command (Mac) to choose multiple files.


I confirm that I am a ratepayer in respect of the above property, or that I am authorised by the ratepayer(s) to make this request


I agree to the Terms and Conditions


We would like to use your contact details to inform you of Bay of Plenty Regional Council activities and services that may affect you. If you do not want your contact details to be used by us for this purpose, please contact us at: or on 0800 267 728 (BOP RATES). We will not use your contact details for general marketing purposes.

Please refer to our website for details of our rates remission and postponement policies which include more details on each of our remissions and the criteria and considerations that apply to them.