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Rates for 2024-2025

Your Regional Council rates are assessed once a year. Your 2024-2025 rates have been calculated and can be viewed by clicking the link below. Due date for payment of your rates is 20 October 2024.

2024-2025 Property Rating Information Database

What rates do I pay?

For most ratepayers, you will pay a General Rate (calculated on land value) and a Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC) which helps pay for work we do across the region. 

Where you live in the Bay of Plenty will determine what targeted rates you pay to the Regional Council. You can find out more below about the different rates that could apply to your property depending on which local council area it is in. For more detailed information that is specific to your property, please use the search above. 

Schedule of rates

The Funding Impact Statement is a document required by the Local Government Act 2002. It supports the setting of rates for any year. This outlines what rates the council will charge, the basis for those rates, the activities the rates fund, and the specific rate amounts.

The schedule of rates charged for 2024-2025 are contained in the funding impact statement published in the Annual Plan.

Rates Resolution 2024-2025

The Rates Resolution is a formal decision made by Council to determine the rates applicable to rateable properties within the community. These rates align with the first year of Council’s Long-term plan 2024-34 and the funding impact statement.

Council approved the rates resolution for the 2024-2025 year at a meeting on 26 June 2024. Below is the rates resolution approved by Council.

On 12 September 2024, Council reset rates for several minor river and drainage schemes in the region. All other parts of the rates setting for the 2024-25 rating year on 26 June 2024 remain unchanged.

Rates remission policies

A rates remission is a reduction to the rates you owe – your rates may be partially reduced or waived, depending on the type of remission. 

We have two policies covering Rates Remissions and Postponements. One sets out the rates relief available to all types of land and the other deals with provisions for Māori Freehold Land and land with similar characteristics. 

Full details can be found in our Remission and Postponement of Rates Policy.

What is the Quayside Holdings Limited reduction on my invoice?

Every year Bay of Plenty Regional Council receives a dividend from Quayside Holdings Limited. The reduction shown on your invoice is an indication of the benefit the dividend from Quayside Holdings Limited has made to your rates bill. If the dividend wasn’t received by the Regional Council, your rates would be higher by this amount. You can find out more about this reduction on our rates information hub.

Targeted rates by district

Rangitāiki-Tarawera river scheme rates are calculated by land area and the extent of service provided to part-fund the Rangitāiki-Tarawera river scheme work activity.

Civil Defence Emergency Management targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property for services provided by Civil Defence Emergency Management group.

Regional Safety and Rescue Services targeted rates are calculated on where the rateable unit is situated and fund organisations that provide safety and rescue services within the Bay of Plenty.

Waioeka-Otara Rivers Scheme targeted rates are calculated using a combination of land area, site charges and the extent of service provided to part-fund the Waioeka-Otara river scheme work activity.

Minor Rivers and Drainage Rates are calculated using land area and extent of service provided for properties in the Waiotahi River District, Huntress Creek Drainage District and Waiotahi Drainage District. For more information see below.

Civil Defence Emergency Management targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property for services provided by Civil Defence Emergency Management group.

Regional Safety and Rescue Services targeted rates are calculated on where the rateable unit is situated and fund organisations that provide safety and rescue services within the Bay of Plenty.

Ōpōtiki Minor River and Drainage Schemes rates are calculated by land area and and the extent of service provided for the following catchments:

  • Waiotahi River District
  • Huntress Creek Drainage District
  • Waiotahi Drainage District

Targeted Rates

Kaituna Catchment Control scheme targeted rates are calculated using a combination of land area, site charges and the extent of service provided to part-fund the Kaituna Catchment Control work activity.

Rangitaiki-Tarawera river scheme rates are calculated by land area and the extent of service provided to part-fund the Rangitāiki-Tarawera river scheme work activity.

Rotorua Passenger Transport targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property in the Rotorua urban area to part-fund the Passenger Transport work activity.

Civil Defence Emergency Management targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property for services provided by Civil Defence Emergency Management group.

Regional Safety and Rescue Services targeted rates are calculated on where the rateable unit is situated and fund organisations that provide safety and rescue services within the Bay of Plenty.

Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Programme targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property on three different land area categories.

  1. Properties under 1.99 hectares
  2. Properties between 2 and 9.99 hectares
  3. Properties over 10 hectares

This rate part funds the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes work activity.

Remission of targeted rates on forestry and bush
Is your property over 10 hectares and planted in exotic forest or is covered in indigenous vegetation or wetlands, and stock excluded?

You may qualify for a partial remission on your rates and only pay the under 1.99 hectare rate.

Ratepayers who believe they are eligible for rates remission will need to apply in writing before the 31st March in the year before the financial year in which they seek the remission to commence. If the remission is accepted by Council, the Ratepayer does not need to re-apply annually however the Ratepayer has the responsibility to inform Council if a change of circumstances has occurred that may result in the remission no longer being appropriate.

For more information read the policy in the Remission and Postponement of Rates Policy.

Rotorua Air - Clean Heat conversion rates are calculated based on environmental loans received under the Clean Heat conversion programme.

Currently both Rotorua Lakes Council and Bay of Plenty Regional Council administer the targeted rates for Clean-Heat depending on your service level agreement.

Council may remit targeted rates and/or annual loan repayments for rating units that are eligible for the Government rates rebate scheme.

Currently there is a remission available for low income households that qualify for the Central Government rate rebate scheme. Rotorua Lakes Council administers the applications for the Central Government rates rebate scheme. We will notify you if you qualify for a clean heat remission on your targeted rates.

Rangitāiki-Tarawera river scheme rates are calculated by land area and the extent of service provided to part-fund the Rangitāiki-Tarawera river scheme work activity.

Kaituna Catchment Control scheme are calculated using a combination of area, site charges and the extent of service provided to part-fund the Kaituna Catchment Control work activity.

Tauranga Passenger Transport targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property for Tauranga city to part-fund the Passenger Transport work activity.

Civil Defence Emergency Management targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property for services provided by Civil Defence Emergency Management group.

Regional Safety and Rescue Services targeted rates are calculated on where the rateable unit is situated and fund organisations that provide safety and rescue services within the Bay of Plenty.

Kaituna Catchment Control scheme targeted rates are calculated using a combination of land area, site charges and the extent of service provided to part-fund the Kaituna Catchment Control work activity.

Western Bay of Plenty District Passenger Transport targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property for Western bay to fund the Passenger Transport work activity.

Civil Defence Emergency Management targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property for services provided by Civil Defence Emergency Management group.

Regional Safety and Rescue Services targeted rates are calculated on where the rateable unit is situated and fund organisations that provide safety and rescue services within the Bay of Plenty.

Rangitāiki-Tarawera river scheme rates are calculated by land area and the extent of service provided to part-fund the Rangitaiki-Tarawera river scheme work activity.

Whakatāne-Tauranga targeted rates are calculated using a combination of land area, site charges and the extent of service provided to part-fund the Whakatāne-Tauranga river scheme work activity.

Rangitāiki Drainage targeted rates are calculated by land area and the extent of service provided to fully fund the Rangitāiki Drainage scheme work activity.

Minor Rivers and Drainage Rates are calculated using land area and the extent of service provided to properties in the Rangitāiki Plains Catchment. For more information see below.

Whakatāne Passenger Transport targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property for Whakatāne to fund the Passenger Transport work activity.

Civil Defence Emergency Management targeted rates are calculated as a fixed charge per property for services provided by Civil Defence Emergency Management group.

Regional Safety and Rescue Services targeted rates are calculated on where the rateable unit is situated and fund organisations that provide safety and rescue services within the Bay of Plenty.

Minor Communally Pumped Drainage Schemes rates are calculated by area for 34 minor communally pumped drainage schemes on the Rangitāiki Plains. This includes the following catchments.

  • Omeheu West
  • Awaiti West
  • Withy
  • Omeheu Adjunct
  • Lawrence
  • Murray's
  • Angle Road
  • Awakeri
  • Baird-Miller
  • Foubister
  • Gordon
  • Greigs Road
  • Halls
  • Hyland-Ballie
  • Riverslea Road
  • Kuhanui
  • Long-view Richlands
  • Luxton
  • Martin
  • Massey
  • Mexted-Withy
  • Nicolas
  • Noord-Vierboon
  • Omeheu East
  • Pedersen-Topp
  • Platts
  • Reynolds
  • Robins Road
  • Robinsons
  • Thompson-Ernest
  • Travurzas
  • Wylds
  • Poplar Lane
  • Awaiti East