No valuation reference specified.
Additional information
About the Regional Council’s rating information database (RID)
Rating unit information for properties within the Bay of Plenty Regional Council region is updated from information provided by the relevant district or city council that the property is rated in.
The information is received on a regular basis from the council’s Valuation Service Provider, but any recent changes regarding land and capital value, land area and legal description may not show on this website immediately. For any queries about the information displayed contact your city or district council first to check they have processed the property updates.
If your property currently receives a rates remission; and is sold or the use of the property changes, the remission may no longer be available. If you are the owner or other authorised person you can obtain the information held by contacting us.
Information accuracy
While all due care has been taken, the Regional Council cannot give any warranty in regard to the accuracy of information received from external sources. The Regional Council does not provide current market values. Land and capital values recorded against your property are provided for the basis of rating purposes only. These values do not reflect current market values.
Information not shown
Regional Council is prohibited from showing certain information, such as the rates owing. If you are the owner or other authorised person you can obtain this information by calling the Regional Council’s rates team on 0800 BOP RATES (0800 267 728).
Objections and Disputes
To object to your property valuation, you need to contact your district or city council and follow their objections procedures.
To dispute your Bay of Plenty Regional Council rates amount you can contact us.