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Illustration of people doing things in the region Illustration of people doing things in the region

What your rates pay for

Rates are used to create a healthy environment, freshwater for life, safe and resilient communities, and a vibrant Bay of Plenty region. 

We look after the environmental management of the region, including protection of the region’s land, air and water. We also respond to pollution events and take a lead role in animal and plant pest management. Read more about Regional Council.

Our work is funded by a mix of rates, fees, charges, grants and investment income. 

Your city or district council

Your city or district council provides the services you use day to day. This includes quality drinking water, wastewater and stormwater, roads and rubbish collection, as well as providing community facilities such as parks, cycleways, community halls, libraries, swimming pools and sports fields.

Find links to your city or district council.

Types of rates

There are three different types of rates, general, targeted and a Uniform Annual General Charge. Our Rates Tool shows you how the Regional Council allocates the income we receive from rates, as well as the income we receive from other sources.

General rates and Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC)

General rates are calculated based on your property’s land value, whereas the UAGC is a fixed charge applied per rating unit, irrespective of the value of a property.

Targeted rates

Targeted rates are used to fund work that benefits a particular group of ratepayers - meaning only those who benefit from that work pay for it. Whether or not you will have to pay a particular Targeted Rate will depend on where your property is in the region.