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Iwi and Hapū Resource Management Plan Online Application Form

The development of a new hapū/iwi resource management planning document.
Updating or reviewing an existing document (please name existing document below)
The development of a plan to record culturally significant sites, within your resource management plan.
2. Name and contact details of hapū/iwi
3. Contact details of key people involved in this project

Primary contact

Secondary contact

4. Brief details of key contact people
5. Verification that the document will be recognised by the relevant Iwi Authority
6. Evidence to show that the plan being developed has the approval from a wide representation of the hapū/iwi. Please provide:
7. Project description
(e) Plan development methods and estimated costs
Provide details
Provide details
Provide details
Provide details
Provide details
Provide details
8. Bank account details
9. Official lodgement of the final plan

Please note that successful applicants will be required to officially lodge their final plan with Bay of Plenty Regional Council. The plan will become a public document. The plan will be placed on the Council’s website.

Authorised signature/s for application

I declare all of the above is true, and I am acting on behalf of the named above.