SmartGrowth Leadership Group
The SmartGrowth Leadership Group is a governance group responsible for prioritising, reviewing and monitoring the implementation of the SmartGrowth Strategy 2051.
SmartGrowth provides a vision and for developing the western Bay of Plenty into a great place to live, learn, work and play. The strategy identifies opportunities for building the community, taking into account a range of environmental, social, economic and cultural factors.
The SmartGrowth partnership is made up of Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Tauranga City Council, Western Bay of Plenty District Council, tāngata whenua and central government. SmartGrowth engages with groups, businesses, and organisations to help us build a framework for future planning and growth. We’ve partnered together to achieve better shared outcomes for our sub-region.
Independent Chairperson: Peter Winder
Bay of Plenty Regional Council
- Cr Jane Nees on behalf of Chairman Leeder
- Cr Stuart Crosby
- Cr Ron Scott
- Cr Kat Macmillan (alternate)
For details of SmartGrowth Leadership Group’s full membership, meeting agendas, papers and meeting schedule please refer to the SmartGrowth BOP website.